GenII Suzuki V-Strom DL1000 Test Ride


If you compare the Suzuki V-Strom to the other 1000+ cc liter bikes available, it seems to fall short. But our experience has been that so many times a spec sheet doesn’t tell the whole story. We’ve ridden bikes that spec out at the top of the heap but were dreary to ride, and other bikes that don’t spec out so well can be better than anyone ever imagined.

The 2014, second generation, DL1000 V-Strom by suzuki represents a lot of big changes. All new suspension, a totally reworked motor (they say only four parts work from the old motor), big brakes new styling and even some electronic rider aids. We ware curious how this bike stacked up in the real-world. Watch to see what we learned.

Special thanks to Honda/Suzuki of Salt Lake for making this review possible.


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